You have THREE options to join the club
Diver or non-divers alike can join the club and enjoy the social aspects of our association. If you were a member last year, login and click the renew membership link under members on the menu.
Club Memberships
Cansac Membership (Divers)
$140/1 year
Access to all of the club features and facilities. For persons that want to dive all season long.
- Social Meetups
- Liability Coverage
- Monday Night Pool Access
- Local Discounts
- Discounted Training Fees
- Unlimited Dive Schedule Access
Trial Membership (one dive)
$55/30 days
Enroll in a SINGLE dive event for the season. Dive with us once before deciding to join as a full member.
- Social Meetups
- Liability Coverage
- Monday Night Pool Access
- Local Discounts
- Discounted Training Fees
- Unlimited Dive Schedule Access